
Monday, November 18, 2013

Amazing What A Little Cleaning Can Turn Up!

When I first started here in the Media Center back in early October, one of my primary jobs was to clear out our back room.  Imagine your grandma's attic (but just with a lot more cords and books/papers instead of antique vases and ceramic cats)...

While I was cleaning, I stumbled across some Minneapolis Star and Minneapolis Tribune (before they merged into what is currently the Star-Tribune) newspapers from the days surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on 11/22/63.

In the coming days, I will photocopy some of these articles/photos and display them in the Media Center, as this Friday marks the 50th anniversary of the historic event.

If teachers would like to use the newspapers as well, just ask for them!

What 9/11/01 is to the current generation, that is what 11/22/63 was to those who lived it.  It deserves to be remembered.