
Friday, November 15, 2013

"Kindle" Your "Fire"

So, unless you have been living under a very large rock for the past few months, you probably realize that this is coming out a week from today...

Of course, you waited until now to crack open the books, right?!

And then you discovered that they are really, really good and wanted to read them all.  Follow me so far?

Trouble is, we only have so many physical copies of the books here in the Media Center.  When they are gone they are gone and you'll be stuck waiting for a fellow student to turn them in on time (yep...because that ALWAYS happens...never any late books around here):

But, there is another way...

Here in the Media Center we also have a number of Kindle e-readers that contain the Hunger Games books (as well as a bunch of other popular titles).

In order to check out a Kindle, though, you first need to get a form here and take it home to your parents to sign (these things are a bit more expensive than your average paperback...!).

Once that is done, you are all set to enjoy Hunger Games on the Kindle!  Just another way to get that "book cramming" in before the lights go out and the previews start...